Living Water Bible Ministry


There Is But One God, I got Proof

Heaven is real, God kingdom is real

If you want to be part of His kingdom

If you want to be among the redeemed

The time has come

The day is here for you to examine every iota of what you were taught about God.

About salvation

And about the kingdom to come

This is not about your church

It is not about your friends

It is about you and eternal life

There is no eternal life in a triune god

There is no salvation in trinitarianism

The mystery of a three in one god is crap

They lied to you.

Maybe not on purpose

But it is the most dangerous lie ever told to you.

I know you might have spent years believing that lie

But it can STOP here, today, right now.

Take up your bible,

Turn to John 17:3

It says:

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God,

and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”

Does that sound like three gods?

Now, turn to 1Corinthians 8:5 and 6

Read what Paul said to the Corinthians

Read it carefully. This might be the first time you are reading this.

“For even if there are so-called gods

whether in heaven or on earth,

as indeed there are many gods and many lords

6 yet for us there is only one God, the Father,

from whom are all things, and we exist for Him;

and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him.

How many gods did Paul say they are?

One God, The Father.

Is Paul not, correct?

You read it for yourself. THERE IS BUT ONE GOD!

At first, I struggled with this.

How could my church and all these learned believers be wrong?

So, I went to the book of Revelation to see who is worshipped in Heaven

I just had to be sure.

Is there a trinity in heaven being worshiped?

I read and studied that book over and over and over and over

I did not lose myself in the prophecies,

I didn’t get tangled up in the imagery and symbols

I stayed my course to find out who is Worshipped.

And guess what?

In heaven, worship is given to “Him that sitteth upon the throne and the lamb”

In heaven, there is one God, the Father, and One Lamb, Jesus the Christ.

I feel like shouting Hallelujah, Hallelujah

But it gets even sweeter,

Brace yourself for these last three texts penned by the Seir of Patmos

“…Behold, the tabernacle of God is among the people,

and He will dwell among them,

and they shall be His people,

and God Himself will be among them.”. Rev 21:3

Are you still with me? I am still in chapter 21

Remember, this is the era of the redeemed

The Holy city is on earth.

Check the deities mentioned here

Tell me if you can find a trinity?

“And I saw no temple therein:

For the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. Rev 21:22

The law only requires two testimonies

But I am giving three to conclude

Rev22:1 “And he shewed me a pure river of water of life,

clear as crystal,

proceeding out of the throne of God and of the lamb.


Revelation reveals only TWO sharing the THRONE.

GOD and the LAMB

Dear reader, I will not sweeten word for you

Not in this issue that have such dare consequences.

If you are worshiping a triune god

Or worshipping with people that are worshipping the Trinity God

Then you are worshipping a false idol, an image, SATAN Himself.

And your lot shall be with the DAMN.

You deserve better,

Throw in your lot with those who have chosen to worship

The One true God and His Christ.

Do it now. He is waiting on you to make the choice

All the powers of heaven will back you

But it must be you to choose.

Choose the One True God today and have Eternal Life beginning NOW.

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