“For God so love the world.” At a time when the world was bursting with discrimination, racism, sexism, bigotry, chauvinism, and downright hatred, God sent forth His son. Not just into that time but born in a culture and among a race of elitist, supremacist, bigots who advocated that they were God’s gift to mankind. But showed no mercy or love to anyone else. Everyone else they treated as dogs, heathens, second class citizens. They believed that they were the only ones worthy enough for the kingdom of God. This belief influenced and cultivated evil behavior towards others who were different. Then in a serious conversation with one of their leaders, Nicodemus by name, Jesus the Begotten Son of God said, “God so love the world.” Wow! Whichever side of the coin you are on, you should take a moment and think about that. Ask yourself, who is “the World” who would fall into this category? The world is more than just black, or white. It includes every color of humans that ever exist on this planet. It dissolves the concept of race and erases color from the equation by blending all people as one. The classification of ‘World” transcends geographical, political, or social boundaries. It is an all-inclusive term for those of us who share this little planet.
My point, If you think that the Son of God died for a sub-set of people of which you are a part, then you have lost the meaning of “the world”. The term ‘whosoever’ that follows, includes every race, nation, tongue, culture, color, and class. It is a total waste of time and a lost cause thinking you and your sect, denomination, or class are more worthy of salvation than anyone else. That is NOT what the bible is about. The Story of the bible and the legacy of mankind is ‘A love that will not let us go” Unworthy as we are our God reaches us with His love. Ever wonder about it? George Beverly Shea penned it so well:
“There’s the wonder of sunset at evening,
The wonder as sunrise I see;
But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
Is the wonder that God loves me.
O, the wonder of it all! The wonder of it all!
Just to think that God loves me.
There’s the wonder of springtime and harvest,
The sky, the stars, and the sun;
But the wonder of wonders that thrills my soul
Is a wonder that’s just begun.
O, the wonder of it all! The wonder of it all!
Just to think that God loves me.”
“Beloved, let us love one another”.